Dark social presents unique marketing opportunities
Here are a few of the most important reasons why: You can’t escape dark social Dark social is quite literally everywhere, and that’s becoming more the case every day. Yes, people still tweet things they like to their Twitter followers or share them on their Facebook timelines, but people are increasingly turning to private sharing options instead. Mobile internet use is on the rise, as well. More people are browsing on the go and sharing things they like with individual people in their social circles on the fly.In fact, well over half of dark social clickbacks come from C Level Contact List smartphones and other mobile devices. Dark social has ties to unique demographics As with various social media platforms and other avenues you may use to reach your target audience, dark social appeals to a unique subset of your consumer base. For instance, nearly half of consumers 55 or older don’t share links on social media timelines at all. They only do it via dark social channels. Developing a better understanding of dark social means successfully tapping into demographics like these.
This becomes especially important if heavy dark social sharers also represent your ideal customer (or buyer persona) in one or more ways.Sharing data can reveal a lot about the true interests, goals, and habits of your typical customer or web visitor. This is no less the case for dark social data. Becoming familiar with this information gives your business a unique marketing opportunity to better reach new and potential customers by leveraging what matters most to them.