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Here's what daily life was like in the ISIS Caliphate / Police files









Rank: 1

發表於 2024-2-29 19:17:11 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
It is not often that dictatorial regimes that fall leave behind many documents for future generations. This happened in Germany with the Nazi Third Reich and the communist East German Democratic Republic. Now, we have somewhat similar evidence of life under the rule of the Islamic State. The terrorist network still exists, with many of its branches currently active in the Middle East, Asia and Africa. But they function as "regular" terrorist organizations, and do not control any specific territory. The caliphate, in its former form as a "semi-state organization" in Mosul and Raqqa, no longer exists.

But through the "ISIS Files Cambodia WhatsApp Number Data Project" directed by the Program on Extremism of George Washington University, the various institutions, bureaucratic tools and policies of the ISIS caliphate are being gradually reconstructed and analyzed. We were asked to review the files seized and compiled by ISIS's "regular" police, Shurta, to see how the caliphate operates on the ground, especially interacting with the population of that region. Read also: The 'Beleri' case, the Greek lawyer: The presumption of innocence has not been respected Sad! After a serious accident, the Albanian athletics champion passed away in Istanbul To answer this question we used the concept of "rebel government".

This is understood as the implementation of governmental practices, or serious and substantial displays of governmental rule over groups and populations in a given territory by non-state actors, leading de facto to a public sovereignty and authority. In short, ISIS used its police organization to create a level of support among the residents of the Caliphate, providing them with a degree of public order and safety. This may sound counter-intuitive, as the Islamic State is widely known to have run a regime of terror and tacit imposition, along with overtly beheading atrocities. And yet, before the Caliphate was declared, the ISIS leadership published a "City Document.

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