Given this assignment protocol I find that local employees who report to return migrants file disproportionately more US patents. I also find evidence that return migration facilitates knowledge transfer across borders. Paper Information Flexible Work Versus Work Redesign Employers seek to accommodate employees with work life issues by making changes in their hours or by offering work at home arrangements. Leslie Perlow makes the case that accommodation is often not enough—that a redesign of the work itself and culture changes can be more beneficial.
Her article Toward a Model of Work Redesign for Better Work and Better Life coauthored by Erin L. Kelly has been published in the February issue of Work and Occupations. When Your Foreign Investment Is Closed By The Government A case study by Dante Roscini and G.A. Donovan follows the options of foreign direct investors when Viva Macau airline Chinese Overseas America Number Data operating under a sub concession agreement with the Macau government is forced to suspend operations. The case allows students to explore what Foreign Direct Investors can do to foresee a possible expropriation event and what options they might consider to protect themselves ex ante or fight the outcome ex post.
Returning Migrants Boost Performance In a new study Prithwirajto explore the effects of returning migrants on local employees. He finds that local employees who report to return migrants file disproportionately more US patents and knowledge transfers across borders increase. The work is reported in the working paper Return Migration and Geography of Innovation in MNEs. —Sean Silverthorne PUBLICATIONS AUGUST MIT SLOAN MANAGEMENT REVIEW The Surprising Benefits of Nonconformity By Bellezza Silvia Francesca Gino and Anat Keinan ABSTRACT—This research demonstrates that under certain circumstances people wearing unconventional attire are perceived as having higher status and greater competence.