Recommended communityObtain other users with similar musical tastes, similar styles and author clips. It's not very clear how the algorithm works here. According to the official statement the algorithm will adapt to the videos you get interacted with. The truth is that the algorithm ignores you and resets. Recommendation system: We divide recommendations into three condition types: home page recommendation; tab trend. Videos that the homepage algorithm.
Thinks are interesting to the user will go to the homepage. the user has recently last database subscribed to or interacted with or channels the user is seeing for the first time. Recommendations will also appear on the right side while watching the video. The algorithm here not only considers interests but also considers videos that are similar to the video you are currently watching. The system considers the following factors to select videos for.
Which viewers are interested. Videos being watched. Videos not being watched. Time spent watching the video. Likes and Dislikes. Flag Not Interested. Voting results are from the Google guidelines below. You don’t have to rely on statistics and algorithms to get the results. Your videos get more attention. It's important to understand who your audience is. The algorithms are not designed to promote your content; they are simply designed to help viewers find videos.