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發表於 2024-3-5 18:01:45 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
   There are essentially 4 rules that you must respect to write the URLs of the posts and web pages of your site, from an SEO perspective :  The URL should be as short as possible The URL should be as simple as possible The URL must be as free as possible from redundant words The URL must possibly indicate the content of the article (and perhaps contain the main keyword) Stop words don't always make your URLs look weird, but they often do.  

Disable the Yoast SEO Option Sometimes I come across addresses that sound WhatsApp Number List really bad, because the webmasters have enabled the Yoast!  You can find the setting in SEO > Advanced > Permalinks. If you can't find the setting, you probably have the updated versions, where they removed this SEO-damaging option.   than usual, but it's vitally important for anyone who does email marketing (and if you don't, you should start ASAP ). In fact, I will reveal a small but significant trick to increase your email opening rate by 20%/40%.  Right now, what is the open rate of the emails you send?  20%? 30%? 40%? Even 50%? how to double your open  oes not matter!  

At least 50% of your subscribers don't read your emails.  What's the point if only 1 in 2 of your subscribers read what you write?  I'll show you how to increase your open rate by a minimum of 20%, whatever your starting level.  Requirements To implement this trick you will only need:  2 minutes of time An ESP (email marketing service) that allows you to put this hack into practice Unfortunately, not all services with which you can do email marketing have the function you will need to put this trick into practice.


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